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Modern Portfolio Website Case Study

Next.js 15 Portfolio - Real-time Innovation

A modern, interactive portfolio website featuring advanced animations, 3D elements, and real-time user interactions

Next.js 15TypeScriptThree.jsGSAPSupabaseFramer Motion

Project Overview

A modern, interactive portfolio website built with Next.js 15, featuring advanced animations, 3D elements, real-time user interactions, and responsive design. The project demonstrates technical expertise in both frontend development and real-time features while maintaining optimal performance.

Technical Stack

Frontend Framework

Next.js 15 with TypeScript


TailwindCSS with custom animations

3D Graphics

Three.js and React Three Fiber


GSAP, Framer Motion

Real-time Features

Supabase Realtime


Dynamic loading and code splitting

Key Features

1. Advanced Animation System

export const TextGenerateEffect = ({
  filter = true,
  duration = 0.5,
}) => {
  const [scope, animate] = useAnimate();
  useEffect(() => {
        opacity: 1,
        filter: filter ? "blur(0px)" : "none",
        duration: duration ? duration : 1,
        delay: stagger(0.2),
  }, [scope.current]);
  • Implemented custom text generation effects
  • Created smooth scroll animations using GSAP
  • Developed a custom preloader with percentage-based loading

2. Real-time Interactive Features

export default function RealtimeCursor() {
    const [cursors, setCursors] = useState<Record<string, CursorData>>({});
    useEffect(() => {
        const channel = supabase.channel('cursors')
            .on('presence', { event: 'sync' }, () => {
                const newState = channel.presenceState();
            .subscribe(async (status) => {
                if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') {
                    await channel.track({
                        x_position: 0,
                        y_position: 0,
                        color: cursorStyle.color,
                        user_id: userId
  • Live cursor tracking system using Supabase Realtime
  • Real-time online users counter
  • Unique visitor identification
  • Smooth cursor animations with Framer Motion

3. Interactive Grid Layout

const Grid = () => {
  return (
    <section id="about">
      <BentoGrid className="w-full py-20">
        {gridItems.map((item, i) => (

Technical Challenges & Solutions

1. Performance Optimization


Managing multiple animations and real-time updates while maintaining performance.


  • Implemented code splitting and lazy loading
  • Used React Suspense for component loading
  • Optimized animation frame rates
  • Added debouncing for cursor position updates

2. Real-time Synchronization


Maintaining accurate cursor positions across devices.


  • Implemented percentage-based positioning
  • Added viewport normalization
  • Created smooth interpolation for position updates
  • Handled connection drops and reconnections

Key Learnings

Advanced React Patterns

  • Mastered custom hooks
  • Context-based state management
  • React Suspense and lazy loading

Real-time Features

  • Supabase real-time capabilities
  • Presence management
  • Multi-user race conditions

Performance Optimization

  • Advanced code splitting
  • Image optimization
  • Animation performance

Impact & Results

  • Achieved 90+ Performance score on Lighthouse
  • Sub-100ms latency for cursor updates
  • Successfully handled 100+ concurrent users
  • Reduced initial load time to under 2 seconds
  • Maintained 99.9% uptime for real-time features

Future Improvements

  • Implement server-side rendering for better SEO
  • Add peer-to-peer connections for reduced latency
  • Enhance accessibility features
  • Implement progressive web app capabilities
  • Add real-time chat features
  • Enhance cursor interactions