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Project Overview
Zentry is a modern web application that showcases an innovative gaming platform combining AI, blockchain, and traditional gaming elements. The project demonstrates advanced frontend development skills and modern web technologies implementation.
Technical Stack
Frontend Framework
React with Vite
TailwindCSS for responsive design
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
State Management
React Hooks
Audio Integration
Custom audio handling
Dynamic loading and optimization
Key Features & Implementation
1. Interactive Hero Section
const Hero = () => {
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(1);
const [hasClicked, setHasClicked] = useState(false);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
// ... more state declarations
const playWhooshSound = () => {
if (whooshSoundRef.current && window.isAudioEnabled) {
whooshSoundRef.current.currentTime = 0;
const playPromise = whooshSoundRef.current.play();
// ... sound handling logic
// ... more implementation details
- Implemented a dynamic video switching system with smooth transitions
- Created custom loading states and mobile-responsive preview functionality
- Integrated audio feedback for user interactions
2. Advanced Animation System
const AnimatedTitle = ({ title, containerClass }) => {
const containerRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const ctx = gsap.context(() => {
const titleAnimation = gsap.timeline({
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: containerRef.current,
start: '100 bottom',
end: 'center bottom',
toggleActions: 'play none none reverse'
// ... animation implementation
}, []);
3. Interactive Features Gallery
const BentoTilt = ({children, className = ''}) => {
const [transformStyle, setTransformStyle] = useState('');
const itemRef = useRef();
const handelMouseMove = (e) => {
if(!itemRef.current) return;
const {left, top, width, height} = itemRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
// ... tilt calculation logic
// ... more implementation details
Technical Challenges & Solutions
1. Video Performance
Managing multiple video elements while maintaining smooth performance.
Implemented a custom video loading system with preloading and efficient state management.
2. Animation Performance
Complex animations causing performance issues on mobile devices.
- Implemented throttling for animation calculations
- Used GSAP's performance optimization features
- Added device-specific animation adjustments
Key Learnings
Animation Optimization
- Mastered GSAP for complex animations
- Learned performance optimization techniques
- Understood hardware acceleration importance
React Best Practices
- Improved component architecture knowledge
- Mastered hooks implementation
- Enhanced performance optimization
Modern Web Development
- Gained experience with Vite
- Improved responsive design understanding
- Enhanced web audio API knowledge
Impact & Results
- Achieved smooth 60fps animations across devices
- Implemented responsive design across all screen sizes
- Created engaging user experience
- Successfully integrated complex animations
Future Improvements
- Implement server-side rendering
- Add more interactive WebGL elements
- Enhance accessibility features
- Implement progressive web app capabilities